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RI Visually Impaired Persons Fishing Tournament
Fishing Tournament
The Visually Impaired Persons (VIP) Fishing Tournament is a half-day fishing trip for Visually Impaired Persons of RI on a Frances Fleet party boat out of Galilee, RI.
The event is free of charge to the VIPs and their Guides and assistance will be provided to those that do not bring a Guide with them. Fishing is followed by a presentation of prizes and awards when we return
to port.
The RI Lions Sight Foundation held its 1st Annual VIP Fishing Tournament for Visually Impaired Persons of RI in June of 2008. The Tournament is organized by the RILSF and is supported by donations from RI Lions Clubs and individual donors.

Awards and Trophies
Participants compete for one of several trophies and an opportunity to represent Rhode Island at the North Carolina Lions National VIP Tournament. Frequently VIP teams from Connecticut and Massachusetts will also be part of the National VIP Fishing Tournament.
Two (2) of the top “eligible” winners will represent Rhode Island at the National VIP Fishing Tournament to be held normally in October on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. (“Eligible” means that they have not gone in the previous 2 years)
If needed, a 3rd National Team Representative will be selected, regardless of score, by a lottery from a list of VIP competitors who have not previously attended the National Tournament.
The intent of this rule is to ensure that as many VIP’s as possible get the opportunity to have this experience.
The North Carolina trip also includes competing in the Annual New England Lions Tourney
where we compete against VIP’s from the other participating Northeastern states.
More information on the National Tournament is available at and on Facebook at “NC Lions VIP Fishing Tournament Inc.”

2023 Fishing Tournament for Visually Impaired Adults of RI (complete)
The 2023 Fishing Tourament is complete. See the details on the Events page.
The RI Lions Sight Foundation (RILSF) will be hosting our 16th Annual VIP Fishing Tournament for Visually Impaired Persons (VIP’s) of Rhode Island on a charter party boat out of Galilee RI.
The Tournament is organized by the RILSF and is supported by the RI Lions Clubs and individual donors. The tourney is free of charge to all VIP’s and their Guides.
Donations are always helpful and appreciated.
When: June 25, 2023
Time: The boat leaves Galilee in the morning so participants will need to make arrangements to get to Galilee in time.
Legally Blind Rhode Island resident
At least 17 years’ old
Are physically able to fish from a party boat.
General Guidelines:
To maintain a level playing field for all VIP’s, competitors must use the Rods and Bait provided; no switching of poles etc. between VIP & their Guide is allowed.
(If you are not competing, you are welcome to use your own gear.) -
The organizers will provide providing light breakfast beverages and food during registration, but you may bring your own food and drink if preferred.
The Tournament will be followed by an Awards Luncheon at the Carriage Inn.
(Meal selection will be made at registration) -
If you can fish without a full-time guide, that is helpful because it allows more VIPs to participate. You will still have the assistance of the Crew and other Guides as needed.
We will assist with transportation as needed.
Deadline for receiving Applications is June 19 th (by either by US Mail or
Email) and will be accepted on a “1 st come 1 st served” basis
For further information, feel free to contact either of the following committee
Lion Ken Barthelemy, 401-447-4228 (Phone or Text)
Lion Bill Hawkins, 401-450-2659 (Phone or Text)
Application for the 2023 RI VIP Fishing Tournament (complete)
If you are interested in atending the tournament, please click the APPLICATION DOWNLOAD link below and follow the instructions in the application document. Send the completed application to the address shown in the application.
You must also sign and submit the Liability Waiver together with your application.
Liability Waiver for the 2023 RI VIP Fishing Tournament
Please click the LIABILITY WAIVER DOWNLOAD link below and follow the instructions in the document. Send the signed waiver with your applcation.
Note: Guides must also complete the application and liability waiver
To Get More information about the RI VIP Fishing Tournament
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