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RILSF Vision Pre-
The RI Lions Sight Foundation assists in vision screening of students by request from school nurses.

The RI Lions Sight Foundation has honored requests from school nurses throughout the state by sending volunteers to their schools to pre-screen students for possible vision problems. Thousands of children are screened every year, with typically 10% to 15% referred for full eye examinations.
For those local Lions Clubs that handle their community’s schools vision screening, the Sight Foundation will loan screening equipment and, if needed, provide assistance to these clubs.
How we help

The RI Lions Sight Foundation volunteers use spot vision screening devices that can detect problems with near and far sight, astigmatism, issues where one eye may not focus on the same view as the other eye, etc. The Spot vision screening devices have a high degree of accuracy and pre-screening can help the school nurses complete the state required vision screening in a reasonable time.
If the spot screeners indicate an issue with a person's eyes, this indicates the student may need to see an eye specialist. School nurses will conduct further testing and make a referral to a student's parents if necessary
Request for help with vision screening in a Rhode Island school
Send a request to arrange vision screening at a RI school
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